"Not 100 people in the United States hate the Roman Catholic Church, but millions hate what they mistakenly think the Roman Catholic Church is.” - - Bishop Fulton J. Sheen

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Expanded Ramblings....

Some more ideas began rambling around the ol’ melon…the sentence, ”God LOVED us into being.”  Yet another profound statement made by Fr. Barron, got me thinking: 1) If we are created in the likeness of God, Himself and 2) He LOVED us into being, is it ANY wonder at all that He gave us the sacred gift of “love making” as the means for us to carry on the race he created?  I mean, he could have had us buy babies at a store or even find them under rocks...ANYTHING! But no, He gave us this complex, thrilling, experience of giving ones whole self, in love, to another as the means of creation.  As He LOVED us into being, so we LOVE our children into being.  Or at least, this was the original intention.
Without one part of the equation (the male or the female) nothing can result in the act but mere, momentary pleasure.  Without complete love in the experience, there is confused, shallowness that in so many cases result in pain, mental anguish and worst of all casual disregard for the act.  Without all the correct components present in the experience, one cannot encounter ALL that God intended for the act: 1) First and foremost CREATION, 2) The complete giving of oneself in love and 3) No fear of hurt or confusion due to the presence of true love, which the act only enhances.  Take away one part of it and the sheer awesomeness of the event can never be accomplished.  In another gift given to us by God…our free will… we have reduced the act to pleasure at whim.  I contend that since pre-marital sex is so common today it is a major aid in destroying so many marriages. People bring to the marriage pre-existing sexual hang ups, experiences, past hurts and formulated opinions.  This disallows for the true intimacy intended by God that is supposed to be saved, cherished and encouraged to grow between a male & female VOWED to one another in marriage. 
Because sex is so casual today, things like vowing to another human, for LIFE, is taken lightly because sex is JUST sex….eventually I’m gonna want to have IT with someone else, it's just natural, right?  It is a huge reason so many don't marry at all today. Everyone has an automatic "opt out" option when the shine is off the apple without the hassel of divorce proceedings. Younger generations have come to realize that marriage and sexual fidelity are merely a current agreement based on feelings two people have for one another at that moment.  The desire to remain faithful will wane as time goes on and life becomes difficult so why bother?  If we strip the seriousness of the life giving act to just the “pleasurable” aspect of the equation, our commitment to one another is hollow when sex with our current partner has lost its luster, we begin looking for the exit. We mask this reality with a host of other reasons that don't seem as shallow to support our cause. 
Is it any wonder that the pursuit of sexual stimulation is such a GIGANTIC business in the form of pornography and ancillary businesses, the media, clothing, medications to enhance the experience, products to prevent creation etc?  It’s because we are never truly fulfilled by the partial act we have limited ourselves to in our current, casual approach to sex. We need manmade intervention to try & fill the void.  It is why sex has become disordered, exposed and even for some their very definition in life.  So much importance is put on IT because of how important IT is. Yet, our secular society has confused and missed the WHY of its importance. It has replaced the TRUE importance of the act with all of the earthly draws to it.  We have removed God’s, all encompassing, role in it.  We keep searching for fulfillment in a bottomless pit. It becomes increasingly more unnatural because the bar is ever raised to the perverse to TRY and find the answers in the experience.  Meanwhile, we have had the pathway to fulfillment all along, if we had only listened to God.
And because we have hurt God’s greatest gift to us (life) by reducing the creating act and actually acted against creation in the use of contraceptives (a most UNNATURAL and un-Godly act), then consequently, when these methods don't work, the total disregard of the life brought forth by our actions in abortion, we wind up back to yesterdays discussion about believing this is singularly OUR life (with no answering to anyone) to begin with.  It now makes all the sense in the world that we were meant to have as many children as God willed us BECAUSE, once again, God doesn’t care how comfortable our lives are, if our lifestyles are effected by more children…to Him…more humans = more souls to meet Him in Heaven. It is also why it is an affront to God to assume that He created the Earth unable to accommodate us all. But that discussion is for another day.  God bless us all.


Cathy said...

Well said Liz..I heard about your blog from a mutual friend..and been praying for you! keep up the writing, its inspiring!

kkollwitz said...

"It’s because we are never truly fulfilled by the partial act we have limited ourselves to in our current, casual approach to sex."

Great sentence.

Barb Schoeneberger said...

This is a really good post.

This world will not end until the number of souls God has in mind for heaven are created. So if we obstruct conception we are, in a way, interfering with the Second Coming. It's much bigger than we think when we refuse to love children into being.

Unknown said...

Yes Barb, and could you imagine our modern day Mary exercising her right of "choice?" It's a strange & sometimes terrible world we live in...

but know that all babies lost to abortion are forming an ARMY of powerful angels in Heaven at God's side and when the second coming is upon us...that army is coming & no doubt they are gonna be mad...