"Not 100 people in the United States hate the Roman Catholic Church, but millions hate what they mistakenly think the Roman Catholic Church is.” - - Bishop Fulton J. Sheen

Friday, September 16, 2011

Old Soul

Old Soul's.  When we talk about a child being an "Old Soul" I always think it means they have a deeper insight to life.  They see certain things that the average kid may not see, wise beyond their years, if you will.  I also think it can pertain to people like myself, who pines for yesteryear.  I many times think I was born too late.  If I could pick a time era in history, I could see myself fitting in far better than I do today, somewhere possibly between, 1910-1950.  When I see old houses, buildings or factories abandon, I feel physically sad when I know many think “it’s just an eye soar, a new building should be built there to clean it up.”  I am not a romantic person by nature BUT where nostalgia comes into play, I wistfully image the birth of our nation, the heart aches, the hard work, the huge families, the widespread farm lands and the gentry of the cities just beginning to emerge.  Idealistic images of immigrant families. The men who built this nation by the strength of their backs and the sweat of their brow.  The amazing women who ran large families, made clothes, cooked, grew gardens, nursed, taught and passed along their faith usually with a baby on her hip.  The hardships they faced only makes me appreciate them more.  I think this condition of mine adds to why I am so conservative.  I look to these periods of history and think I am soft with materialism & technology and long for the simplicity of knowing a hard days work would provide for my family which I would thank God for every Sunday at Church.  I am not foolish enough to realize that life was far more difficult than this and and I am  grateful for all our modern conveniences and blessings that these generations made possible for us, BUT my heart still yearns for these times. I cannot help myself. My kids watch “The Little Rascals” series with me (I ordered them from Amazon) & I explain to them why milk and ice was left at the doorstep, and what a dog catcher was. I watch their faces and can tell that their minds are trying to understand this foreign world they are peeking in at. My five year old has asked me "Mom these people aren't real, right?" Where does one begin?

I share all this with you because someone sent me this link in an e-mail and my heart literally longs for this time.  To walk NYC in 1940’s, to talk to all these people & shop along the streets….ahhh, I need something for this illness I have. Enjoy the link!


1 comment:

Mary N. said...

You and me both! I've always felt that I was born into the wrong era. I long for a much simpler way of life.