"Not 100 people in the United States hate the Roman Catholic Church, but millions hate what they mistakenly think the Roman Catholic Church is.” - - Bishop Fulton J. Sheen

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Had to Share This Story

Hello friends. I just had to share this story I heard this week. My husband was listening to talk radio on Friday afternoon & the host was talking to an entertainer who I guess is a big deal in Vegas & does a lot of charity work not only for our military but for kids as well.  The host asked him to tell the story of why he started doing charity work for children in particular & his story went like this: 
A woman approached me and shared with me her story.  Her son’s best friend in the world was his 6 year old buddy.  This friend got cancer.
Well, the 2 boy’s most favorite thing in the world to do was pretending they were horses.  As the boy got sicker, the boys conversations turned from everyday, 6 year old talk, to some heavy, philosophical topics like: Life, death, sickness and heaven.  The one boy would ask his friend “Do you think there are horses in Heaven?” the other would reply “I don’t know, maybe.” Well, the young boy died one night & the woman got the call to inform her.  She had no idea how to tell her son that his best friend had just died.  She went into his room, sat him down & said “Jimmy, I am so sorry but Danny died last night.” The boy responded “Oh I know Mommy.  He visited me last night and told me that there ARE horses in heaven…” JUST BLOWN AWAY by this story.  I have heard similar stories like this that could possibly be explained away by non-believers (like the person may have been sleeping & dreamed they saw something etc.) but the fact the boy KNEW his friend had passed before he was officially told really rocked me. The story really got to my husband as well.  
So the entertainer wrote a song about that story & every cent goes to pediatric cancer research.  Since I wasn’t the one who heard the story first hand, I don’t know the name of the person & my husband can’t recall it but just thought you may like that story as much as I did.


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