"Not 100 people in the United States hate the Roman Catholic Church, but millions hate what they mistakenly think the Roman Catholic Church is.” - - Bishop Fulton J. Sheen

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


My dear friend Tricia sent me this story because of how it reminded her of my son's story of healing.  When my son was first diagnosed I felt an overwhelming urge to ask ANYONE and EVERYONE I met on the street to say the rosary for my son and if they would say it as often as possible.  I got word that a small Catholic school in CT started saying it daily for the month of June in 2011. My own children's school here in NJ also took to saying it daily for him.  I was contacted by so many people telling me their stories of how by saying the rosary for my son it changed their lives. Whole families took to saying it together...I was told that Masses were being said for him all over the US and prayer groups that reached all over the world were praying for my son...people who had left the Church returned to it because of my son's story.  Wanna talk about a gift that keeps on giving? This is why we are called to evangelize!  My heart rejoices to know that by me asking for help for my son, not only assisted in saving my son's life BUT helped bring people closer to God.  ENJOY this remarkable story and what a great story to come across the week the Gospel was of when Jesus brought the 12 year old to life AND right when Archbishop Sheen was venerated!
Thank you Ignitum Today for sharing this story http://www.ignitumtoday.com/2011/09/16/61-minutes/

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