"Not 100 people in the United States hate the Roman Catholic Church, but millions hate what they mistakenly think the Roman Catholic Church is.” - - Bishop Fulton J. Sheen

Monday, April 9, 2012

A Prayer Request

Folks, I realize this is a first for me but I ask anyone who is willing, to please pray tonight at 9PM for a little, two year old boy here in NJ, J. Johnson who is suffering terribly from stage four brain cancer. He and his family have become friends due to our similar story of our sons.  Their story is different from ours though because sadly, poor J.J. has not had the remarkable turn around results that my boy had almost immidiately.  His type of cancer effects his personality terribly as one can imagine due to it being in his brain, so his parents hearts break daily watching a listless little boy who recently was running around like any 2 year old should.  The Mother has asked us specifically to stop at 9PM this evening & say a united prayer for J.J.'s full recovery. He is getting an MRI tomorrow to see if the newest drug program they have him on is working to halt this evil disease.  I thought I'd pass this request to anyone who may read this & may be inclined.  I KNOW my son was healed by the power of prayer (even if that means it put us in the hands of the good doctors we're in today & allowed my son to be in the trial he's in etc. etc.) so every, single prayer for these kids are heard.  Me personally, I think mostly by the intervention of Mary so I will say my rosary because I know NOTHING can defeat Mother Mary...not Satan...not cancer...NOTHING.  So please pray for J. Johnson & his family too.  The parents are having a VERY rough time with this.  Pray the MRI shows positive signs.  THANK YOU good people.  May God bless you.      


Mary N. said...

Hi Liz,
Yes, I'll definitely join in at 9:00. I'll pray for his family too.

Unknown said...

THANK You Mary! God bless you. Hope you are well.